Victoria, I’m eating a low-calorie, low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. I’m exercising 5 times a week. I’m doing everything right and I’m still not losing any weight. I keep reading that carbohydrates don’t matter, but I am beginning to question that after reading some information on your web site and I was totally intrigued by your personal story.
What do you think I could do to get over this hump and get my weigh to start to go DOWN! I am so tired of getting on the scales and not seeing any progress. Maybe I am just not being realistic since everyone in my family is heavy (genetics)
Here's Part 2 Genetics answers …
Let’s review what the six tips were from the first part of my answer regarding breaking through a Set Point plateau.
1.Be honest... are you cheating?
2. Be Kind to Yourself
3.Shock Your Body
4.Pump Some Iron
5. STOP IT! Sugar Supplies Your Set Point.... Analyze and Strategize
6. Flush It Out
Karie, we all are challenged by our genetics in some way shape or form, but it does not have to stop us from achieving our goals. When I work with models, they have to live with more imperfections than you could even imagine. There are models for every type of industry. They find the industry where they are able to be marketed and get booked with success. If a person is 5’7” tall they are not suited for runway but they can do other types of modeling and have a successful career.
In the beginning of any new thought process that involves your body shape and your fitness goals, you have to do what they do, you have to find your strength and work that to your advantage.
Here’s an example; if you have big thighs, you need to stay with high rep weight training and moderate intensity cardio fat burning activity. Plus you probably can’t eat a lot of carbohydrates. If you have skinny legs, and fat midsection, you can’t eat carbohydrates at night that will only make you fatter. If you have a big rear end, you should not be doing deep squats and power moves. You should be focused on a low-gylcemic diet and low to moderate cardio five days power week.
Blaming genetics for the inability to lose weight usually comes from a misinformed or inexperienced advisor. Unfortunately there is a lot of “poor me” and “I am a victim” mentality being promoted in the media. Everyone is given some sort of pass for negative or poor behavior as well as just plain laziness. Weight loss is just another one of those areas where we have been given a bevy of excuses as to why we are to settle for living with our bellies hanging in our laps and our oversized glutes swallowing up our thong underwear.
Genetics don't stop people from losing weight. Starving people in third world countries are not obese! I have been all over the world and it seems that the only people blaming being fat on their genetics are well-developed nations that have been blessed with abundant processed food and motorized transportation.
Genetics are not stopping people from being fit and athletics. Turn on the TV during the Olympics, the Super Bowl or any other internationally televised sporting event and listen to the “Road to Glory” visual biographies of some the greatest champions of all times. You will see story after story of individuals who overcame genetic flaws, poverty, lack of equipment, lack of support financially and emotionally. If they can work past their genetics, so can all of us if we will redirect our thinking and attention. We have more options than any other generation in history.
Re-engineer Your Metabolic System
This is the greatest time to be alive. There is a huge variety of training equipment, dietary supplementation to help you boost your metabolism, control your appetite, release stored body water, increase your mood and the list goes on and on.
We are not stuck. There are answers and solutions all around us. We have to open our minds and our eyes and reach or and grab all the possibilities offered to us each day. We not only have the technology to re-engineer our metabolic system, we can even reverse the aging process.
Beat Your Genetics
You can beat your genetics by understanding one principle. It Can Be DONE!
There is a way and there are answers, you have to turn your mental radio station to be receptive to the right positive messages that are streaming past your consciousness. Whatever we are open to shows up and whatever we ware seeking is coming to us.
Get Off Your Attitude and Build the Body You Want
The final, perhaps most important factor in you beating your genetics and winning at weight loss success is your attitude. You have to believe you can succeed. You have to feel great about what you are doing. You must stay excited and positive about every single pound lost, inch lost, energy improvement, longevity you are securing, peaceful moment knowing that you are taking care of your body, your sacred temple. The most intricate gift of life that you have been blessed with is your physical body.
Be aware and listen to every signal your emotions are sending you. Stay alert and recognize your mental and emotional connections to food and exercise, both good and negative. If you find yourself sitting in front of the computer snacking on garbage spending endless hours doing nothing that is bringing you closer to the body you want, ask yourself why.
It’s All About YOU!
When it comes to training, eating, resting and thinking, everything you do matters.
It’s all up to you Karie. Every day you don’t drink your water limits your fat loss and makes you more toxic. Every time you eat sugar you are stopping the fat burning process. Every calorie you eat counts.
Every day you miss training is a day you can’ get back. You have to identify and acknowledge your fitness blocks before you can take positive action and change them. Remember that you can’t continue doing the same thing the same way and expect different results. You have to permanently change, if you want change. You have to do the right thing at the right time to be successful. DECIDE.
Decide that you will do whatever it takes to get fit, healthy, energetic and happy. Decide in your heart that you will no longer let others determine your health or your destiny. Get focused and get in the driver’s seat of your life. Stop looking for reasons why you can’t change and have what you want and do what you want. Instead, turn your mind and your thoughts to the pictures, visions and inspiration that will drive you to do whatever it takes to build the body you want and to live the life you desire.
Begin to believe that your life can and will be great with the right program, motivation and guidance. You never have to return to the old way of life unless you consciously choose to.
Your Genetics Is a Gift
It was your package to be birthed in and you can use it to your advantage. Keep connected by re-reading my messages to youself each week. Print them out, carry them with you, read them on the treadmill, keep them on your desk and print some of the affirmations and reminders on 3X5 cards and post them throughout your home, in our day planner and any place else you need reminders.
Do whatever it takes to stay motivated. Believe me if I can overcome the fat genes I was given to go from 170 plus pound down to a size 2 then you can too. Don’t just take m word for it check out some of the success stories on my Quick Start Energy Program,
There are thousands who have lost weight and changed their lives on my program. Everyone has had to overcome great tragedies and genetic difficulties just like you. Together we can do it.
Build Your Best Body Ever!
God Bless and make it the Best Week Ever!
Your Celebrity Personal Trainer!