VOL. 02/19/07
The Victoria's Body Shoppe Newsletter is sent ONLY to confirmed subscribers who request this newsletter. To unsubscribe or change your e-mail, see instructions at the bottom of this message.
Ever wonder what the best foods are for you to be eating? A list of Acceptable and Un-Acceptable Glycemic Index based foods can be found in Victoria's Quick Start Energy Program.
And, Victoria has just added her Brand New Cellulite Solution MP3 Audio to the Quick Start Package! You are not going to want to miss it!
Plateaus and Pitfalls
Six Tips to Break Your Set Point
Victoria, I’m eating a low-calorie, low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. I’m exercising 5 times a week. I’m doing everything right and I’m still not losing any weight. I keep reading that carbohydrates don’t matter, but I am beginning to question that after reading some information on your web site and I was totally intrigued by your personal story.
What do you think I could do to get over this hump and get my weigh to start to go DOWN! I am so tired of getting on the scales and not seeing any progress. Maybe I am just not being realistic since everyone in my family is heavy.
That’s the million dollar question. We are always working on our fitness and nutritional program. You feel like you are doing everything right but your body reaches what is called a set point.
Set Point Theory
Set point theory states that every individual has a personal metabolic rate that maintains at a given weight, regardless of your perceived calorie intake. This frustrating dilemma is believed to be why some dieters find that their weight loss slows down when they reach a static place that is also referred to as a plateau. It doesn’t matter what you call it, it’s absolutely frustrating.
It's not just a matter of willpower - there's a biological reason that your body gets to a point and it feels comfortable there. When you restrict your food too much and your metabolic rate slows down to preserve muscle, your weight stabilizes. It makes you feel discouraged.
That’s what has happened to you. You have reached a set point where your body wants to settle in and the scale seems to be stuck at the same number. Don't panic... it's only a temporary situation.
Sometimes our bodies may get in a sort of "rut" and doing the same old, same old just seems to stop working. Don't let this situation stop you dead in your tracks.
Even when you seem to be doing everything right… and yet it’s not working. There are several factors that can trip up your best weight loss efforts.
Now is not the time to give up! Here are a few tips I have found helpful in breaking through weight loss plateaus and breaking through your set point. If you can identify and conquer them, you’ll be well on your way to long-term leanness
1. Be honest... are you cheating? Sometimes if we don't monitor our eating habits very closely, we fall back into old habits without giving them a second thought. Are you falling into the mindless eating trap? Are you stressed and responding to it by eating? Have you stopped paying attention to portion sizes? Are you writing down absolutely everything -- even sodas or candy from your co-worker's candy dish -- in your food diary? Even if you don't normally keep a food diary, track what you eat for a minimum of three days. Do you see any patterns -- certain times of the day, certain foods, eating with certain people? Doing a little extra stringent self-monitoring may point out some areas that need improvement.
2. Be Kind to Yourself
Accept yourself as you are today as you work toward developing your perfect life. You may not feel perfect today. That’s okay. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. The shame would be if you wanted a different result and did nothing about it. Accepting today and growing with improvement tomorrow is a grand formula for succeeding at weight loss or any other successful venture, or as I like to say adventure.
Love yourself unconditionally every day. We all love our families, friends and pets it’s time for you show some love for yourself. When you have a quiet moment or are in bed at night in your mind tell yourself that you love yourself it’s easy, no one else can hear you. Say nice things about yourself. Look in the mirror and have an uplifting conversation with yourself. Learn how to feel comfortable complimenting yourself when you do something good.
Make sure you're not depriving yourself of fun and enriching activities and events. If you have no personal fun and self-enriching activities, then you are setting yourself up for a binge. Sometimes we "make up for" not playing along with not eating our favorite foods for days or weeks at a time by overindulging when we finally do say yes to our craving... which certainly sets us up for a stumbling block. Instead, let moderation guide you.
Remember that many times we are eating for other reasons than hunger. We can have a tendency to eat for comfort and other emotional reasons. What good is a great body if you are miserable? Nurture yourself so that you are full on life, love, fun and happiness!
3.Shock Your Body
Let’s start with your exercise program. Have you been doing the same thing for a while? Getting bored maybe? When your routine becomes ho-hum, your body quickly adapts to it and your results are less dramatic. So, if you always do the same aerobic activity at the same intensity, or you always do the same circuit of weight machines in the same order it’s time to switch it up.
To keep seeing results you need to present yourself with new challenges. It’s important to try new things, choose activities that you genuinely enjoy, and exercise at an intensity that challenges you.
Whether you’re trying something new or just spicing up the old routine, you want to achieve a gradual and progressive increase in intensity. This might mean incorporating an occasional hilly route into your bike rides, intervals of slow jogging into your walks, adding some free weights to your machine workout, or signing up for a spinning class instead of reading magazines on the stationary bike. Just keep it interesting. Boredom and complacency can unravel your best-laid plans.
4.Pump Some Iron
Lightweight resistance training is the cornerstone I have used for my clients to develop a lean body while working on training their bodies to have a fast metabolism.
The more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body burns throughout the day. If you’ve been doing tons of cardiovascular activity, but slacking on the light weight for sculpting and shaping your body, that could be one of your sticking points.
On the flip side, if you’ve been faithfully pumping heavy iron but you can’t get shed the fat; perhaps a little more aerobic activity is in order. The two modes of exercise compliment each other. The weights sculpt and shape the body, and the cardio helps you blast the fat so that your muscles that are defined become visible as the fat is burned away. Together with elongating, stress reducing and detoxing stretching, they form the basis of any well-rounded program so that you can build a beautiful lean body while reducing your stress hormones that can make you fat.
This is why I love my Vertical Training, Power shaping DVD. I love the magic of that music and dance science combined with light resistance training creates. I have been able to keep my muscles long and tight while staying lean and flexible. I don’t have to worry about spending hours at the gym.
5. STOP IT! Sugar Supplies Your Set Point Are you consuming an overabundance of highly processed carbohydrates? Give away or better yet, throw away the extra holiday candies and goodies you have stashed around your home. Watch your intake of highly refined carbohydrates that are sold as fat free products such as fat-free cookies, rice cakes, other fat free snacks and definitely white bread. Try to replace them with heartier grains or legumes such as bran, natural sprouted whole grain breads, beans, lentils, and other unprocessed legumes. They are higher in fiber, protein, and other nutrients and they enter into your blood stream more slowly, providing you with a longer lasting more blood sugar balancing source of fuel.
The most critical factor in successful weight loss is your overall diet. Success of any body changing and health-increasing program is that success is mostly nutrition with the secondary factor being physical training. Basically you can have the best personal trainer on the planet with the best training routine ever, but if you’re not eating right, your results will be weak and poor. You will never have the body you want without the perfect diet.
To change your hips, abs and butt, you have to look at every morsel of food you’re eating. Be real about your portion size and be honest with how much you are eating. You have to ask yourself these questions and be honest with the answers:
What is your eating schedule? Is it regular or does it fluctuate based on a chaotic schedule?
Are you skipping breakfast and them binging later in the day? Are you snacking before going to bed? Are you eating a snack in the middle of a sleepless night? Have you not been eating enough healthy, anti-aging, anti-cancerous and fibrous calories? Do you start off fired up to diet on Monday morning and deny yourself all day only to binge on Wednesday night?
Analyze and Strategize
You need to analyze everything and become the master of knowing your metabolism and your metabolic response to the foods you decide to eat every single day. You have to figure out how to put yourself together an organized eating schedules. Eat several small meals and snacks a day (3 6) to keep your metabolism elevated and your blood sugar stabilized which helps you cut out snack attacks throughout the day. Don't go more than 5 hours without eating something healthy. You can pack lunches, snacks, etc.
You need to stop rushing around and stand still and take some time to prioritize your eating, training and resting. Train yourself to eat for energy and longevity.
Train for fun and increased quality of movement and health. Rest for recovery, stress reduction and rejuvenation of your mental strength. It is so important that you become mature enough to be able to pt yourself and your health first in all things that you undertake. You deserve the best!
Don't be afraid of heart healthy monounsaturated fats like those found in olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocado. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are quite beneficial as well. A little bit of fat will slow the entry rate of carbohydrate into your blood stream, keeping blood sugar stable and helping to reduce hunger, mood swings, and cravings.
Include a little protein, carbohydrate, and fat with each meal or snack. You'll be more satisfied with your food and less likely to get hungry between meals.
6. Flush It Out
If you eat right and exercise at the intensity, frequency and duration proper for you, but still can't get rid of a little paunch here and there, you're probably just not drinking enough water.
Water helps boost your metabolism and helps you flush out the excess toxins that build up in your system. Your liver converts stored fat to energy. It has other functions, but this is one of its main jobs.
Unfortunately, another of the liver's duties is to pick up the slack for the kidneys, which need plenty of water to work properly. If the kidneys are water-deprived, the liver has to do their work along with its own, lowering its total productivity. It then can't metabolize fat as quickly or efficiently as it could when the kidneys were pulling their own weight. If you allow this to happen, not only overtaxing your liver, but you're also setting yourself up to store more fat.
Every time I want to shock my body into a super perfect state for a photo shoot, I step up my water intake to six quarts a day and within three days, my skin looks amazing, my weight drops enough for me to feel confident and I feel awesome.
You can start breaking your set point too, so drinking up. Start with 8-12 8 oz glasses of water every day. Don’t get crazy with this, but be reasonable and know that you must drink at least two quarts to start to flush your body.
Karie, whichever eating plan you choose be sure to adjust it accordingly depending on how you feel and how your body responds. Don't ever blindly follow a rigid "diet" based on massive media hype. Be informed and focus on powerful positive changes. That is why I created my Quick Start Energy Program. When I was obese, I knew that I needed a program that I could see and feel positive results immediately. Be kind to yourself, but be honest and monitor your program as you would your bank account.
You are the destined to succeed. It’s just a matter of refining your process. You can do it. Go for it. Start answering the questions I posed to you and then take positive immediate action to get that scale going down again my friend.
God Bless and make it the Best Week Ever!
Your Celebrity Personal Trainer!
Many of my readers have e-mailed me recently asking how they can help me... They have received so much help through my newsletters, videos and programs and want to know how they can help me promote what I am doing. So I made a quick list of ways that you can help me! Please read through the following list and see if there is something that peaks your interest.
- Personal Endorsement - if you have found success or help through my resources consider crafting an e-mail to send to your inner circle and have them join my newsletter list.
- E-mail Newsletter List - Do you operate a e-mail list of your own? If so, consider becoming an affiliate and promoting my Quick Start Energy Program and earning a commission with every sale.
- Start a Book Club - My books and E-books make excellent conversation material for book clubs, in fact there are hundreds of Quick Start groups around the country using Quick Start as their program guide each week!
Product Profile:
Did you know that eating the wrong food at the wrong time can cause your body to move into fat storing mode and no matter how much exercise you do... you can't stop it!
AHHHHHHHHHH Don't wait, order and download your Quick Start Energy Program today and find out how to put a stop to those Fat Burning Hormones
Have You Ever Said Any Of These Things To Yourself?
* "I'm too tired to work out."
* "I'll start my diet on Monday."
* "I want to do more fun things with my family and friends"
* "Why am I starving and still not dropping weight"
* "I wish I had more energy"
My Quick Start Energy Program is an accumulation of my personal experiences over 10 years as a personal trainer, nutritionist, author and ex-overfat person. I have personally tested and written personal prescriptions for over 10,000 people! My program is based on the results of my clients and myself personally. No miracles here, just the facts.
Finally, a program that gives you the body you want, the energy you desperately desire and the mind set you need to succeed. It was created by someone who has been where you are and understands what it feels like to hide behind a jacket, baggy shirts or embarrassingly tight pants. I know how to feels to be too broke to be able to buy new clothes. I Lost The Weight and You Can Too!
Finally, an eating program that really works, created by someone who has been where you are and Lost The Weight! Namely ME, Victoria! Throw the rest of your diet plans away! This is the last program you will ever need!
Click to learn more and to order!
Body Revival!
Reclaim and recharge your health using Victoria's Body Revival Program. Victoria shares her personal story as well as the successes of several of her clients, and offers practical solutions for people to begin their own Body Revival.
Sculpting Her Body Perfect
Before setting out on your training odyssey and beginning the High-Energy Fitness system described in this book, it is important to familiarize yourself with certain aspects of women's fitness. Featuring Contributor Victoria Johnson.
Journey To Empowerment
An inspiring, healing and joyful book by Maria D. Dowd full of short stories encouraging you to speak honestly, act courageously, heal wholly and live abundantly. Featuring "What I Weigh Is Not Who I Am" by Victoria Johnson...
Daily Cornbread
Daily Cornbread contains 365 bits of friendly, spirit-building shout-outs for the mind, body, and soul. Here you'll find reassurances that you're on the right track. Featuring Contributing Writer Victoria Johnson...
Victoria's Diamond Collection
Victoria's Diamond Collection Video Series! This Collection includes everything you need to get that body into prime running condition. All aspects of your workout program are included in this series. Only $39.95
Victoria's Body Shoppe Collection Get all five of these incredible shape changing videos at this special collection price today! Taped on the beautiful set of Victoria's Body Shoppe, these videos contain everything you need to change the shape of your body. Only $49.95 Don't wait! Get Started Today!
Body Balance
Feed Your Self to Health. When your body gets what it needs, it has the opportunity to address its health challenges and become healed. It's a new day and we can't do the things we have done in the past that destroys our health and our body.
Colon Cleanse
The average person can store between 5 to 25 POUNDS of waste accumulated over the years in their colon? Waste build up causes bacteria and toxins to spread throughout the body resulting in blockages, sickness, surgeries and even death. These toxins must be removed to regain optimal health.
Quick Start Energy Program MP3 Audio Book! Do You Prefer Audio Books! It's the perfect companion to the Quick Start Energy Program E-book, The Quick Start Energy Program Audio MP3 Download! Now you can hear Victoria read her Quick Start Energy Program E-book to you over your computer or through your MP3 Player or burn it to a CD! Start listening today!
ATTITUDE! This MP3 download audio series delivers Victoria's Motivational message of fitness and self-esteem that will inspire you to get a new Attitude for a more energetic life. Victoria once carried a staggering 178+ pounds on her tiny 5'3' frame until she declared war on her childhood insecurities, compulsive eating, and poor health and fitness habits - and Won! She has personally touched thousands with her programs, teaching them how to achieve personal power, get fit, and live a more vital and energetic life. This 90 Min. program for fitness and self-esteem will inspire you to get a new Attitude for a more energetic and healthy you!
Goals Dreams and Visions - In this Energetic Live Women's Conference Presentation is one you're not going to want to miss! It's the next best thing to being there in person. Spiritual breakthrough is just around the corner for you as Victoria explains God's desire for you to "Prosper and be in Health!" and how to Achieve your Goals, Dreams and Visions! MP3 Download Only
Restoring God's Temple Mind Body and Spiritual Fitness. In this live Christian Women's Conference presentation Victoria explains how we must take care of our Mind, Body and Spirit to operate in the full capacity of God's plan for our lives. MP3 Download Only
Affiliate Program
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Victoria's Body Shoppe Online!
Now you can watch a FREE Episode of My National Television Program Victoria's Body Shoppe AND Celebrity Health and Fitness on YouTube! Click on the photo or link below then choose a program or segment that you want to watch. Don't forget your workout shoes, your going to want to join in!
Click for more success quotes.
I started Victoria's Quick Start Energy Program and saw astounding results!
"A year and a half ago I weighed 209 pounds at 5'4" tall. I was obese and took a variety of medications for alarming counts of cholesterol and debilitating depression in order to make it though what I used to call, "this stupid life."
I desperately needed help. I felt hopeless. I didn't have another diet in me. I was afraid of what would become of me; and rightly so because I knew my health was failing rapidly. I should have been afraid because I was headed for diabetes and cardiovascular disease at best.
I started Victoria's Quick Start Energy Program and saw astounding results! I keep it at my fingertips even today as reference material.
She has mentored me into a life that is so unbelievable! I am off all the medications. I now take supplements that support this fabulous new, healthy life I've been given. My body, mind and spirit have been renewed!
With tearful eyes, one more time, let me say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart."
-Myrtle W.
Click to read more testimonials.
Vegetarian Lasagna
Makes: 6 servings
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 onions, chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 2 carrots, chopped
- 1/2 cup celery, chopped
- 1 red pepper, chopped
- 9 whole mushrooms, chopped
- 6 tomatoes, chopped
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
- 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
- 3/4 cup soft tofu
- 3/4 pound whole-wheat lasagna noodles
- 1/4 cup seasoned breadcrumbs
- 1-1/2 tablespoons non/lowfat Parmesan cheese, grated
- Heat oil in a nonstick skillet over medium heat and sauté first 5 ingredients for 5 minutes. Add mushrooms and cook 1 more minute.
- Stir in next 4 ingredients and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat.
- Beat tofu until smooth. Stir 1/4 cup tofu into vegetable mixture.
- Cook pasta according to package directions.
- Spread a third of the vegetable mixture into a 13-inch casserole dish coated with nonstick cooking spray (nonfat). Top with a layer of pasta.
- Continue layering vegetable mixture and pasta, finishing with a layer of pasta. Spread remaining tofu evenly over pasta. Combine breadcrumbs and cheese and sprinkle over lasagna.
- Bake at 350 degrees F for 50 minutes.
Nutritional Information:
- Serving Size: 1/6 of pan
- Calories: 305
- Fat: 5 g
- Cholesterol: 1 mg
- Protein: 17 g
- Carbohydrates: 45 g
- Fiber: 10 g
- Sodium: 130 mg
Click for more information and to order!
I am 45 yrs old and 100 lbs overweight (since age 25.) Two weeks ago I walked out of my job on my lunch hour and decided I was not going back. Two days later I bought the bible at Target and the next day I went to Barnes and Nobel and was drawn to your book by the beautiful cover. I read it in about 3 days and thank God I found it.
You speak to the whole person, as we are not just our body. I went to the grocery store and immediately bought 6 min oatmeal, bran cereal, rye crisps and tons of fruits and veggies. With the help of your prayer suggestions and the bible quotes( I was already reading on my own), I knew I had found something profound!!
You can say I am on a life revival. I have always wanted to teach children and now I know somehow I will have the courage to conquer my weight correctly this time and succeed in some of my long forgotten goals. I also bought an in home walking tape to begin my exercise program and I have dusted off my exercise bike and I belong to the YWCA, so I will begin swimming too.
God Bless You.
Sherry P.
PS. Be sure to visit my Media Center to watch VBS on your computer right now!
Copyright 2007, Victoria Johnson Int'l. All rights reserved.