Victoria's Body Shoppe

Victoria Johnson Celebrity Trainer Life Coach
VOL. 02/05/07

This Week's

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Ever wonder what the best foods are for you to be eating? A list of Acceptable and Un-Acceptable Glycemic Index based foods can be found in Victoria's Quick Start Energy Program.

And, Victoria has just added her Brand New Cellulite Solution MP3 Audio to the Quick Start Package! You are not going to want to miss it!

Fat Burning Myth!

Dear Victoria,
I have been on a heavy training program for quite a while now and my weight loss was fast at first.  I have dropped 15 pounds so far.  My goal is to lose 25 total pounds.  I am exhausted, at a plateau and the scale is stuck.

I read in a magazine that I needed to burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound of fat. Is that true?

I am so frustrated because I have been training hard, but I can’t seem to lose any more weight.  I want to lose ten more pounds before I buy my wedding dress. 

Can you give me some suggestions to help me kick my body back into fat burning mode. I want to get to my perfect size and maintain it as my new sexy size. 

Help me Victoria, I want to look radiant for my wedding and totally hot for my honeymoon.

Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss and I can sympathize completely with you.  There is nothing worse than training like a maniac, starving yourself and stepping on the scale only to see that you haven’t lost one frickin pound.  It’s enough to make you want to go on a cruise and park a lounger by the dessert table for a week!


Myth: You must burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of fat.

Technically, textbook teaching says that a pound of fat is equal to 3,500 units of energy.  And if you try to apply simple logic, you would think that you could just do some fitness activities that burn 500 calories of fat (energy) seven days in a row. 

While the math says 3,500 calories comprises a pound of fat, the real truth is you have to burn the right 3,500 calories without compromising your basal (base) metabolism! You are probably experiencing that right now.  You are eating like a bird (under eating for your base metabolism) and on top of that training hard, yet not dropping a pound of body-fat.

Overtraining Keeps You Fat

What’s with that crazy math? Overtraining and under eating is a damaging combination. Too few calories and excessive expenditure creates a metabolic meltdown, yielding a slower metabolic rate. This explains how it's possible to exercise like a maniac, yet fail to see a drop in body fat.


When I was over sixty pounds heavier, I thought I was healthy and just had big bones.  I worked out all the time and even drank water occasionally. I drank diet soda by the liters and I snacked on nuts.  I was told that nuts were healthy and that was supposed to be a better choice than potato chips.  It would have been a better choice if I had kept the serving size to one ounce instead of half a jar of my favorite peanuts.

Everything I did revolved around food.  My girlfriends and I would get all dressed up in our workout clothes, barely break a sweat and then hit a McDonald’s drive-through. “Sure I’ll have fries with that! I worked out, I deserve it!

One day while I was leading the class, I felt dizzy and disoriented. Ten minutes into the workout I literally fainted. There I was leading a workout class and I dropped to the floor in front of my trusted followers. When I came to, I thought they were kidding.   Some of the class members in the group actually asked me to get on my feet and continue class before their heart rates went down! It was then I realized that maybe these people were not my true friends.  To me true friends help you heal, not keep you sick.


Maybe I was not as important to them as I had thought. The realization hurt me deeply as I had finally felt like I belonged with their group. A group of people who lived to eat instead of learning how to eat to live.  They thrived on all of us being the same overweight, excuse making, unhealthy emotionally starved women. 

My blackout incident prompted me to go see a doctor. I went to an endocrinologist, a doctor who treats people who have endocrine gland problems such as diabetes.  My diagnosis was dreadful and if I did not change my behaviors, clean up my diet and customize my workouts then it would surely lead to a fatal outcome.  Here is what the doctor told me I had created in my body:

  • Clinically Obese
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Digestive disorders (from overuse of laxatives)
  • Hypoglycemia – Low Blood Sugar
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High triglycerides
  • High Cholesterol
  • Severe Water Retention
  • Anxiety/Panic disorder


Kara, what I had done was turn my body into a fat building machine.  I had taught my body to operate on low fuel and heavy exercise.  Your body will adapt to any conditions if stressed long enough. That’s part of the reason why you have to continually mix up your training and do different workouts.  It keeps your body guessing and you can boost your metabolic system.

Did you know that eating the wrong food at the wrong time can cause your body to move into fat storing mode and no matter how much exercise you do... you can't stop it without scientifically redesigning your diet and training regime.  You can eat the wrong food and it can dump insulin into to your system, which overloads it.  Too much insulin, caused from eating a high simple carbohydrate diet, is the primary cause of many diseases such as high cholesterol, high blood sugar levels, heart disease, hypertension, gout, diabetes, obesity, plus many more.

Kara, slow down on your workouts today and stop the cycle of abusing your body today. Let me show you how to step up your fat loss while you let your body rest.

Your metabolism can be your best friend or your worst enemy! You have the know what to eat and when to eat it to get your metabolism to work for you and burn that unwanted "energy" in order to have Unlimited Energy! By the way... Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are fat... You just have a lot of ENERGY! And now it's time to start using it!

That is why you must look at your carbohydrate intake and make sure you are diligent about drinking four quarts of water every single day of the week.

Re-Ignite your
Quick Start Your Weight Loss
Building your Best Body Ever Plan.


I had to learn how to completely restructure my eating program. 

Kara, if you want to stop killing yourself at the gym but still lose fat from your thighs, abs and butt, you have to look at a low-carb lifestyle and you will become an expert at fat burning and you will master your eating style.  This is a movement that gotten so big it has crossed the Atlantic and is going global.


This is what makes Low-Carb so cool.  On a low-carb lifestyle it’s not necessary to count calories.  You have a great deal of food choices and you really get to eat all you want of the recommended foods, as often as you want, in order to prevent hunger. Don't stuff yourself; just eat until you're no longer hungry. Remember, there is a difference between being hungry and having an appetite. Hunger means your body needs more food, so you need to eat.

Having an appetite means you have the feeling that you want to eat, whether your body needs more food or not.  When you eat the right foods that satisfy your appetite and balance your blood sugar, you feel full longer, you have more energy and your jeans fit better.  Hallelujah!


Most of your life your body has been subjected to high "doses" of sugar, in the form of sugary drinks, sugary snacks, sugary cereals, refined carbohydrates in white bread, chips, boxed foods and other forms of processed foods. Your body recognizes only one carbohydrate- sugar. All carbohydrates you eat, except fiber, are converted into sugar.

Eating a diet that is over 60% simple carbohydrates means that most of what you eat is sugar. That type of diet is completely unhealthy and nutritionally unbalanced. The main purpose of a low-carb eating plan is to bring your body chemistry and insulin sensitivity back into balance which helps your body enter into a state of fat burning. To do that, you must eat a diet that is perfectly balanced thus away from the way you have been eating for years.


This is exactly what I had to do to get that sixty plus pounds off life sapping fat off my body.  Too much fat on your body is not just unsightly to the eyes; it is deadly to your health and your dreams.  As I started to get the fat off, my blood chemistry became balanced which stopped my mood swings, decreased my blood pressure, eliminated fatigue and my energy levels got so high, I felt like a twelve year old again.


I found that on this fantastic new plan, I could actually eat more fats. When I was going through my old extreme fat free diet days, I would not eat any fat, so I was always hungry and my skin started to chafe ad dry out. When you follow a good plan you need to eat some fat to assist your body in achieving a good healthy balance.

Even though consuming fat is necessary for you to be healthy and your eating plan to be balanced, try to limit consumption of trans-fats (margarine and shortening). Good fats include olive oil, flax seed oil, canola oil, oils found in nuts, and also real butter. Most fats should be the monounsaturated and saturated fats. Avoid the polyunsaturated fats when possible, except for those containing the essential omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish.

Don’t get afraid of all the hype about low-carb being bad.   A low-carb lifestyle is not necessarily a high protein diet. It's an adequate protein diet. It's an eating plan that has a protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fat.

Kara, here’s the wrap up to break your plateau and get that scale to dropping again.

First of all: Eliminate just 250-300 calories a day from your diet. In 12 days, you'll drop a pound. Or, without cutting calories, expend an extra 300 calories a day for 10 days and you'll be close to 3,500.

Here are some other tips:

1.    Cut out all refined carbohydrates

2.     Increase your water intake to four quarts a day

3.    Mack out on low-Carb free, high fiber vegetables

4.    Don’t eat any carbohydrates after six PM

5.    Train smart with your cardio, but don’t push into the injury zone

Since your body is adjusting to your new weight, it will take some concentrated effort to break through this plateau.  Stay committed and be diligent with your plan and the stall will pass and you will kick your body back into a weight loss fat burning mode.  It usually takes about 7-10 days for the breakthrough.  So be patient.  Many times you won’t see a difference on the scales for a period of time and then, suddenly you lose a few pounds overnight.

Kara, There you go.  Check your food and rest. Follow the tips and get into the low-carb lifestyle so that you will be radiant for your wedding and hot for the after party.

Have a blessed life with your new hubby! 

God Bless and make it the
Best Week Ever!

Your Celebrity Personal Trainer!

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Many of my readers have e-mailed me recently asking how they can help me... They have received so much help through my newsletters, videos and programs and want to know how they can help me promote what I am doing. So I made a quick list of ways that you can help me! Please read through the following list and see if there is something that peaks your interest.

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  • Start a Book Club - My books and E-books make excellent conversation material for book clubs, in fact there are hundreds of Quick Start groups around the country using Quick Start as their program guide each week!

Product Profile:

Quick Start Energy Program

Did you know that eating the wrong food at the wrong time can cause your body to move into fat storing mode and no matter how much exercise you do... you can't stop it!

AHHHHHHHHHH Don't wait, order and download your Quick Start Energy Program today and find out how to put a stop to those Fat Burning Hormones

Have You Ever Said Any Of These Things To Yourself?

* "I'm too tired to work out."
* "I'll start my diet on Monday."
* "I want to do more fun things with my family and friends"
* "Why am I starving and still not dropping weight"
* "I wish I had more energy"

My Quick Start Energy Program is an accumulation of my personal experiences over 10 years as a personal trainer, nutritionist, author and ex-overfat person. I have personally tested and written personal prescriptions for over 10,000 people! My program is based on the results of my clients and myself personally. No miracles here, just the facts.

Finally, a program that gives you the body you want, the energy you desperately desire and the mind set you need to succeed. It was created by someone who has been where you are and understands what it feels like to hide behind a jacket, baggy shirts or embarrassingly tight pants. I know how to feels to be too broke to be able to buy new clothes. I Lost The Weight and You Can Too!

Finally, an eating program that really works, created by someone who has been where you are and Lost The Weight! Namely ME, Victoria! Throw the rest of your diet plans away! This is the last program you will ever need!

Click to learn more and to order!


Quick Start Energy Program E-book! Wake Up Your Energy... Fire Up Your Life? I have received countless e-mails requesting the specific diet program that I used to lose over 80+ pounds of fat from my body and keep it off forever... and that is exactly what I have done... My 72 page Quick Start Energy Program E-book contains everything you need to start feeling youthful, energetic and vibrant today!

10 Weeks to Ultimate Health E-book! Thousands of people just like have you lost thousands of pounds and regained control of their health through this exclusive ultimate health program. This program digs deep and allows you to uncover those negative ideas and concepts that are holding you back from you total success and ultimate health!

Big Diet Lies E-book! I am so tired of all the negative critical special news reports telling us how dangerous every diet in the world is or how we have to go some over worked and stressed out doctor who smokes to tell us what drugs we need to fix the problem that obesity has created in our body. That's why I decided to take the Top 10 Big Diet Lies and refute them for you in this special report...

Top Ten Teen Diet Myths E-book! There are so many young people suffering from ill health and obesity, but I want to tell you, "IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT! " You haven't been given the real truth or what the "word" is about health, fitness, and weight loss. In this special report I put those broken and shattered dreams back together and to let you know that you can have the ultimate, fit body. I dispel the myths and lies (fibaronies) that have kept you from experiencing a fun and exciting life!

Victoria's Body Shoppe Performance Planner E-book! My performance planner is designed to help you keep track everything about your health and fitness plan. Keep track of your exercise and nutrition while monitoring you mood, feelings and energy level to Fine Tune your program. Filled with even more tips and hints, you are going to love watching yourself progress on your program!

It's Your Time! This motivational E-book is packed with inspiration to keep you on the Path to Success. This mini book is perfect to print out and carry with you in your purse or car for a motivational jump start on those difficult days.


Body Revival!
Reclaim and recharge your health using Victoria's Body Revival Program. Victoria shares her personal story as well as the successes of several of her clients, and offers practical solutions for people to begin their own Body Revival.

Sculpting Her Body Perfect
Before setting out on your training odyssey and beginning the High-Energy Fitness system described in this book, it is important to familiarize yourself with certain aspects of women's fitness. Featuring Contributor Victoria Johnson.

Journey To Empowerment
An inspiring, healing and joyful book by Maria D. Dowd full of short stories encouraging you to speak honestly, act courageously, heal wholly and live abundantly. Featuring "What I Weigh Is Not Who I Am" by Victoria Johnson...

Daily Cornbread
Daily Cornbread contains 365 bits of friendly, spirit-building shout-outs for the mind, body, and soul. Here you'll find reassurances that you're on the right track. Featuring Contributing Writer Victoria Johnson...


Victoria's Diamond Collection
Victoria's Diamond Collection Video Series! This Collection includes everything you need to get that body into prime running condition. All aspects of your workout program are included in this series. Only $39.95

Victoria's Body Shoppe Collection Get all five of these incredible shape changing videos at this special collection price today! Taped on the beautiful set of Victoria's Body Shoppe, these videos contain everything you need to change the shape of your body. Only $49.95 Don't wait! Get Started Today!


Body Balance
Feed Your Self to Health. When your body gets what it needs, it has the opportunity to address its health challenges and become healed. It's a new day and we can't do the things we have done in the past that destroys our health and our body.

Colon Cleanse
The average person can store between 5 to 25 POUNDS of waste accumulated over the years in their colon? Waste build up causes bacteria and toxins to spread throughout the body resulting in blockages, sickness, surgeries and even death. These toxins must be removed to regain optimal health.


Quick Start Energy Program MP3 Audio Book! Do You Prefer Audio Books! It's the perfect companion to the Quick Start Energy Program E-book, The Quick Start Energy Program Audio MP3 Download! Now you can hear Victoria read her Quick Start Energy Program E-book to you over your computer or through your MP3 Player or burn it to a CD! Start listening today!

ATTITUDE! This MP3 download audio series delivers Victoria's Motivational message of fitness and self-esteem that will inspire you to get a new Attitude for a more energetic life. Victoria once carried a staggering 178+ pounds on her tiny 5'3' frame until she declared war on her childhood insecurities, compulsive eating, and poor health and fitness habits - and Won! She has personally touched thousands with her programs, teaching them how to achieve personal power, get fit, and live a more vital and energetic life. This 90 Min. program for fitness and self-esteem will inspire you to get a new Attitude for a more energetic and healthy you!

Goals Dreams and Visions - In this Energetic Live Women's Conference Presentation is one you're not going to want to miss! It's the next best thing to being there in person. Spiritual breakthrough is just around the corner for you as Victoria explains God's desire for you to "Prosper and be in Health!" and how to Achieve your Goals, Dreams and Visions! MP3 Download Only

Restoring God's Temple Mind Body and Spiritual Fitness. In this live Christian Women's Conference presentation Victoria explains how we must take care of our Mind, Body and Spirit to operate in the full capacity of God's plan for our lives. MP3 Download Only

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Victoria's Body Shoppe Online!

Now you can watch a FREE Episode of My National Television Program Victoria's Body Shoppe AND Celebrity Health and Fitness on YouTube! Click on the photo or link below then choose a program or segment that you want to watch. Don't forget your workout shoes, your going to want to join in!

Click for more success quotes.

Gaylen from a
size 26 to 16!

Quick Start Has Changed My Life!

"I’ve gone from a size 24-26 to a size 16. My health has dramatically improved. My blood pressure is in the normal range, the fibroids are no longer obvious (before I could easily feel them) and my menstrual cycles are now regular. Food has its proper place and I have a better perspective and richer understanding about my future and myself. I still have 57 pounds to lose but I know that will happen. I am thrilled with my current success..."

- Gaylen B.

Click to read more testimonials.

Healthy Recipe

Jambalaya Salad

Makes 16 to 20 servings

      1/3  cup olive oil
      2  teaspoons finely shredded orange peel
      1/3  cup orange juice
      1/4  cup lemon juice
      1  tablespoon fresh or dried thyme, crushed
      4  cloves garlic, minced
      1/2  teaspoon salt
      1/2  teaspoon red pepper flakes
      1/4  teaspoon ground black pepper
      2  cups long grain or brown rice
      4  cups water
      1/8  teaspoon salt
      1  pound cooked shrimp
      1  tablespoon olive oil
      2  large onions, chopped (2 cups)
      2  medium tomatoes, chopped (about 1-1/3 cups)
      2  15-ounce cans black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained (optional)
      2  medium green, red, and/or yellow sweet peppers, chopped (1-1/2

      1. In a screw-top jar, combine the 1/3 cup olive oil, the orange peel, orange juice, lemon juice, thyme, garlic, the 1/2 teaspoon salt, the red pepper flakes, and black pepper. Cover and shake dressing well. Use
immediately or chill. Shake again before using.

      2. Combine rice, water and the 1/8 teaspoon salt in a large saucepan. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat; rinse rice well with cool water. Drain and set aside.

      3. Bias-slice sausage into 1/2-inch pieces. In a large skillet, brown sausage over medium-high heat for 2 to 3 minutes. Drain off fat. Remove sausage from skillet. Add the 1 tablespoon oil to skillet; cook onion in hot oil until tender, stirring occasionally.

      4. Combine shrimp, tomato, black-eyed peas, sweet pepper, and parsley in a very large bowl. Add the dressing; toss well. Cover and chill for at least 4 hours or up to 24 hours.

Nutrition facts per serving:
      calories: 277
      total fat: 7g
      saturated fat: 2g
      carbohydrate: 33g
      fiber: 4g
      protein: 13g

Click for more information and to order!

Ms. Johnson,

"I just finished working out to your Cardio Soul DVD. (available at Target Stores) I got the best workout video I've ever seen. Your personality injects so much energy and humor into the workout--it really makes it fun. I love your message during the cool-down stretching as well. We are all very fortunate to be able to exercise and dance and it's a message that people need to be reminded of more often. Thanks so much for making fitness affordable!"

Courtney H.

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