Victoria's Body Shoppe

Victoria Johnson Celebrity Trainer Life Coach
VOL. 01/22/07

This Week's

The Victoria's Body Shoppe Newsletter is sent ONLY to confirmed subscribers who request this newsletter. To unsubscribe or change your e-mail, see instructions at the bottom of this message.

Ever wonder what the best foods are for you to be eating? A list of Acceptable and Un-Acceptable Glycemic Index based foods can be found in Victoria's Quick Start Energy Program.

And, Victoria has just added her Brand New Cellulite Solution MP3 Audio to the Quick Start Package! You are not going to want to miss it!

Burn The Fat Off Your Ass!

What can I do to lose fat off of my lower body and tone my butt and thighs? I'm very frustrated. I want to look good for a vacation I am taking in the spring. 

I do workout and watch what I eat, but I still have fat on my legs and I want to burn the dimply fat off my butt now! I know that you are the expert in getting fast results with models and artists, so do you have any insider secrets that can help me get a fine J-Lo looking behind?  I will be anxiously waiting your reply.

Jewel, you are not alone!

For women, this is frequently the most difficult area to tone. It was definitely my most difficult area to get lean when I was competing and the real struggle came when I had to reduce even more to film my television show, Celebrity Health and Fitness. 

Yikes Instantly Ten Pounds Heavier

When I was told that the camera added ten pounds to your appearance, I totally freaked out.  I had worked very hard to get in shape and now I had to step up my game. Overnight I was going from being a professional trainer, video star to a Celebrity Hostess gracing the screens of millions of televisions every day.  Needless to say I was totally nervous and I had to develop the right combination of moves and food.

I had to refine my diet and find the foods that enticed my body to become a fat burning machine, but have the creativity to bust a move in the studio and the energy to tear it up in the gym. I had to figure out how to Burn The Fat!

You Don’t Need No Big Thigh Making Male Trainer

I had to go back to the drawing board of basic principles of female training (not the bulky male body builder training you find in most gyms).

I could not afford to be mislead by men who had no practical hands on studio experience in working with women who want to sculpt a dancer’s body.  I wanted my physique to be balanced and have great curves.  I needed to sculpt long lean lines and burn fat while keeping my strength.

Inexperienced multi-trained expertise is running rampant in the fitness industry creating bulky frustrated women everywhere.

It’s not their fault.  They can only teach what they have been taught by a male dominated industry that has been developed by sports fanatics.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a sports fanatic too, but I have no desire to have the thighs of a male sprinter, or the biceps of football player.

Victoria’s Training Secrets

My training methods taught on my DVD’S and books are continuously taking the world by storm. Women who have been exercising with them are so enthusiastic about the music, the moves, the instruction and the fantastic results they get.

I have one lady who bought my first Power Shaping Workout Video years ago that broke because she played it so much.  That master is now retired in my archive vault at a secret location that is moisture and fire proof. She e-mailed me and wanted me to resurrect it (representing thousands of dollars in expenses) to make her one copy becuase she wore her's out.  I was flattered. 

Upgrade and Improve

I convinced her to upgrade to my newest version and she did.  She loves it, but she has emailed me three times to tell me that she misses her old Power Shaping Video. Mostly she was really upset because she had to buy one those new boxes called a DVD player. 

I know!! I thought the same thing you are thinking right now.  But I love her. I love all of my workout followers and especially you along with all of the rest of my loyal newsletter junkies.

I think we are all like that. We have to be forced to change, upgrade or improve.  If I had not been pressed to get ready for a TV show I would not have pushed my body or myself to change and improve.  We all must continually push ourselves to improve.  It is in our DNA to refine ourselves, reach higher and be better. 

I use to hate having to be forced into crash dieting and training programs, but I have come to realize that if I don’t have drop dead target dates and deadlines I won’t be disciplined or extra careful about everything I eat, think or do.

Focus Creates Urgency

When we are focused on a goal with an assigned target date, there is this internal signal that goes off and urgency sets in.  Think of urgency as your friend.  Think of getting it done before the deadline and then coast and enjoy the event.

As an expert on the cutting edge of women's fitness, my personal success story and my exercises have been published in every leading women and fitness magazine over the years. These magazines featured my own journey to discover internal perfection and gain peace and self-acceptance through battles with bulimia, anorexia and poverty.

It was through my strength from God and the courage to try new techniques, study with non-conventional professionals in many fields and train with some of the most amazing dancers, dance trainers, fitness and sports training organizations in the world that has catapulted me to become one of the most read celebrity trainers on the planet.

I do not tell you to impress you, but to impress upon you the idea that you have to keep looking, keep trying, keep experimenting and keep training. Many of you have given up and don’t know what to believe; who to trust or what to do to get the body you want.

I am bringing this message to you today to say that the simplicity of basic dance based exercises will help you tighten and tone and the healthy eating example of the best dancer, actresses and sexy singers work!

The entertainment industry is a trillion dollar industry and they have found what is needed to build a beautiful body that turns heads and a self-confidence that is essence of true sexiness.

Let’s Get It Started

Here are Victoria’s insider secrets for burning that fat off your butt and to give you a sweat spring swimsuit body!  Make sure you have a medical clearance from your healthy non-smoking doctor before you do incline treadmill training.  It is intense and that is why you get great results.

Power Cardio – Double Benefit - Burn the Fat and Tighten the Butt

One of the greatest secrets for burning the fat without heavy impact and joint jarring jumping is fat burning incline tread milling.

This type of exercise for cardio is very effective because when you are in a pinch and need to burn fat fast, you should make your body work against gravity. The force of gravity during cardio exercise stimulates greater bone growth and thus greater bone and muscle tightening (resulting in an increased metabolic rate and, hence, fat burning).

Not only are you burning that ugly stored body fat at a fast rate, you are target toning the back of your thighs and butt which is what you want.

You can see why using a treadmill set on a high incline is perfect if you are fit enough to do it.  Some other benefits of a fat burning treadmill workout are that you can walk anytime of the year. You do not have to worry about the rain, snow, heat, or cold.  You can get your favorite magazine, tap into your favorite tunes on your iPod or CD player.  You can catch up on business reading or even catch up on TV shows depending on where your walk.  I was treading the other day at the gym and this guy next to me was watching a movie on his new iPod.

I personally like to mix and match my motivation when I treadmill.  When I first start, I listen to my favorite motivational speakers for a while and then I will crank up my favorite tunes to keep me going until I reach my goal for the day. 

You want to work at a pace that makes you sweat while you can still carry on a conversation.  Most treadmills have hand sensors for heart rate readings.  Your heart rate should be somewhere between 120-140 BPM to stay in burn the fat mode.

Power Treadmill Program

Always warm up and stretch before you walk and please stretch after you cool down.  Begin with a level that is easy to warm up and get psyched up to train at.

Warm up two to five minutes and then gradually begin taking the incline up to where you feel your legs and but working but not exhausted.  You have to find a pace that you can work at for the designated amount of fat burning time.

Beginning unfit: Four times per week for 30 minutes – no incline until you are fit enough to take it up to level 5 -6 on incline
Intermediate: 5 times per week for 30-45 minutes incline 6-8
Advanced and tough:  6 days per week for 45-60 minutes at incline 6-10.

Begin at a level you can work your way up. It could take days or weeks depending on your commitment and fitness level. Keep a calendar of your days, times and levels and track it for eight weeks. Also keep track of your energy levels as well.  You will find your perfect formula by experimenting with various levels, and speed.  And of course, the mirror is your best gauge. Look often!

Hit It Early

When you want to drop fat fast, the time of day you workout could make a difference.

The optimal time for fast fat burning exercise is first thing in the morning. This is when your testosterone levels are at their peak and your insulin levels are at their lowest. High testosterone means your body will preserve muscle while exercising and be more focused on burning fat. Insulin is a potent fat-storage hormone, so low insulin levels mean your body can burn more fat without interference.

If you cannot exercise in the morning, exercise as early in the day as possible. But regardless of what time of the day you exercise, do not sabotage your fat burning by consuming sugary or starchy foods before your workouts. Sugar or starch can cause a large spike in insulin levels, which will lead to more fat storage and less fat burning.

Vertical Training - Sculpts, Shapes and Tightens

As women, we do not train for maximal size - or as women in my emails write, "I don't want "bulking" muscles." Ladies, I can tell you that this will happen if you are doing - conventional "men's" exercise with heavy weight, and low rep training for a long period without eating a perfectly balanced diet.  Don't let your personl trainer trick you into this method of training. Now you know better!

For a sure-fire way of reducing the fat on your hips thighs and buttocks to get the long lean shape you want here are my three favorite Vertical Training Power Shaping Exercises.

Always warm up and stretch before you sculpt and after you sculpt stretch all of your tight spots and drink lots of water: 2-4 quarts per day, every day.  Even on vacation.

1.  The Half Bridge 
Sculpts: Hips, Thighs and Buns         

Lie on your back, face up with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Slowly lift hips off the floor as straighten and extend your right leg, flex your foot and bring the leg parallel with the bent leg.

Contract at the top and hold for one count and then bend the knee and return to the starting position.  Do this for the move your left leg out to your left side at 90 degrees.

Do the same move on the right leg.

Repeat for a total of 15 reps per side.

Beginning and unfit: One set of 15 per leg 3X per week
Intermediate: 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions per leg - 3X week
Advanced and Tough 3 Sets of 20 Repetitions per leg – 5 X week

The same times per week apply to each exercise.

2. Lateral Leg Shaper
Sculpts: Outer Thighs, Hips

Holding onto a chair or a post at the gym. 

Hold on with one hand and the by your side, slowly extend right leg to the side as you squeeze your hip muscle for the count of four.  Stop at the natural distance, which is about twelve inches away from where you started.

Return back to neutral and repeat for a total of 20 repetitions

Then switch sides.

Beginning and unfit: One set of 20 per leg
Intermediate: 2 Sets of 20 Repetitions per leg
Advanced and Tough: 3 Sets of 20 Repetitions per leg

3.  Rear Leg Lift
Sculpts Buns and Hamstrings         

Start on your hands and knees on all fours, weight evenly balanced between your hands and knees. Keep your abdominals tight and your head in a neutral position. 

Extend your right leg diagonally behind you, bringing your heel toward the ceiling and hold for two counts and return back to the floor.

Switch Legs

Beginning and unfit: One set of 15 per leg
Intermediate: 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions per leg
Advanced and Tough: 3 Sets of 20 Repetitions per leg

Jewel, I speak from the voice of experience. I have tried it all! From power lifting, bodybuilding, sports fitness, and then television.

I discovered the type of training necessary for a woman to sculpt and tone a swimsuit body.  I outlined them for you above so that you can get started right away.  I want you to get excited about how awesome you are going to look when you put on your swimsuit and walk along the beach.  You will have the energy you need to dance all night at clubs and you will have heads turning as you bounce the night away!

Have fun with this program. Cut out some photos of the clothes you want to wear and do not buy one more pair of anything at your current size.  Save your money to buy some fun new clothes on vacation.  Most people buy them before they go not me.  I take an empty suitcase and shop at some of the world’s most exclusive resorts.  I love it and you will too. 

God Bless and make it the Best Week Ever!

Your Celebrity Personal Trainer!

How You Can Help Me!

Many of my readers have e-mailed me recently asking how they can help me... They have received so much help through my newsletters, videos and programs and want to know how they can help me promote what I am doing. So I made a quick list of ways that you can help me! Please read through the following list and see if there is something that peaks your interest.

  • Personal Endorsement - if you have found success or help through my resources consider crafting an e-mail to send to your inner circle and have them join my newsletter list.
  • E-mail Newsletter List - Do you operate a e-mail list of your own? If so, consider becoming an affiliate and promoting my Quick Start Energy Program and earning a commission with every sale.
  • Start a Book Club - My books and E-books make excellent conversation material for book clubs, in fact there are hundreds of Quick Start groups around the country using Quick Start as their program guide each week!

Product Profile:

Quick Start Energy Program

Did you know that eating the wrong food at the wrong time can cause your body to move into fat storing mode and no matter how much exercise you do... you can't stop it!

AHHHHHHHHHH Don't wait, order and download your Quick Start Energy Program today and find out how to put a stop to those Fat Burning Hormones

Have You Ever Said Any Of These Things To Yourself?

* "I'm too tired to work out."
* "I'll start my diet on Monday."
* "I want to do more fun things with my family and friends"
* "Why am I starving and still not dropping weight"
* "I wish I had more energy"

My Quick Start Energy Program is an accumulation of my personal experiences over 10 years as a personal trainer, nutritionist, author and ex-overfat person. I have personally tested and written personal prescriptions for over 10,000 people! My program is based on the results of my clients and myself personally. No miracles here, just the facts.

Finally, a program that gives you the body you want, the energy you desperately desire and the mind set you need to succeed. It was created by someone who has been where you are and understands what it feels like to hide behind a jacket, baggy shirts or embarrassingly tight pants. I know how to feels to be too broke to be able to buy new clothes. I Lost The Weight and You Can Too!

Finally, an eating program that really works, created by someone who has been where you are and Lost The Weight! Namely ME, Victoria! Throw the rest of your diet plans away! This is the last program you will ever need!

Click to learn more and to order!


Quick Start Energy Program E-book! Wake Up Your Energy... Fire Up Your Life? I have received countless e-mails requesting the specific diet program that I used to lose over 80+ pounds of fat from my body and keep it off forever... and that is exactly what I have done... My 72 page Quick Start Energy Program E-book contains everything you need to start feeling youthful, energetic and vibrant today!

10 Weeks to Ultimate Health E-book! Thousands of people just like have you lost thousands of pounds and regained control of their health through this exclusive ultimate health program. This program digs deep and allows you to uncover those negative ideas and concepts that are holding you back from you total success and ultimate health!

Big Diet Lies E-book! I am so tired of all the negative critical special news reports telling us how dangerous every diet in the world is or how we have to go some over worked and stressed out doctor who smokes to tell us what drugs we need to fix the problem that obesity has created in our body. That's why I decided to take the Top 10 Big Diet Lies and refute them for you in this special report...

Top Ten Teen Diet Myths E-book! There are so many young people suffering from ill health and obesity, but I want to tell you, "IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT! " You haven't been given the real truth or what the "word" is about health, fitness, and weight loss. In this special report I put those broken and shattered dreams back together and to let you know that you can have the ultimate, fit body. I dispel the myths and lies (fibaronies) that have kept you from experiencing a fun and exciting life!

Victoria's Body Shoppe Performance Planner E-book! My performance planner is designed to help you keep track everything about your health and fitness plan. Keep track of your exercise and nutrition while monitoring you mood, feelings and energy level to Fine Tune your program. Filled with even more tips and hints, you are going to love watching yourself progress on your program!

It's Your Time! This motivational E-book is packed with inspiration to keep you on the Path to Success. This mini book is perfect to print out and carry with you in your purse or car for a motivational jump start on those difficult days.


Body Revival!
Reclaim and recharge your health using Victoria's Body Revival Program. Victoria shares her personal story as well as the successes of several of her clients, and offers practical solutions for people to begin their own Body Revival.

Sculpting Her Body Perfect
Before setting out on your training odyssey and beginning the High-Energy Fitness system described in this book, it is important to familiarize yourself with certain aspects of women's fitness. Featuring Contributor Victoria Johnson.

Journey To Empowerment
An inspiring, healing and joyful book by Maria D. Dowd full of short stories encouraging you to speak honestly, act courageously, heal wholly and live abundantly. Featuring "What I Weigh Is Not Who I Am" by Victoria Johnson...

Daily Cornbread
Daily Cornbread contains 365 bits of friendly, spirit-building shout-outs for the mind, body, and soul. Here you'll find reassurances that you're on the right track. Featuring Contributing Writer Victoria Johnson...


Victoria's Diamond Collection
Victoria's Diamond Collection Video Series! This Collection includes everything you need to get that body into prime running condition. All aspects of your workout program are included in this series. Only $39.95

Victoria's Body Shoppe Collection Get all five of these incredible shape changing videos at this special collection price today! Taped on the beautiful set of Victoria's Body Shoppe, these videos contain everything you need to change the shape of your body. Only $49.95 Don't wait! Get Started Today!


Body Balance
Feed Your Self to Health. When your body gets what it needs, it has the opportunity to address its health challenges and become healed. It's a new day and we can't do the things we have done in the past that destroys our health and our body.

Colon Cleanse
The average person can store between 5 to 25 POUNDS of waste accumulated over the years in their colon? Waste build up causes bacteria and toxins to spread throughout the body resulting in blockages, sickness, surgeries and even death. These toxins must be removed to regain optimal health.


Quick Start Energy Program MP3 Audio Book! Do You Prefer Audio Books! It's the perfect companion to the Quick Start Energy Program E-book, The Quick Start Energy Program Audio MP3 Download! Now you can hear Victoria read her Quick Start Energy Program E-book to you over your computer or through your MP3 Player or burn it to a CD! Start listening today!

ATTITUDE! This MP3 download audio series delivers Victoria's Motivational message of fitness and self-esteem that will inspire you to get a new Attitude for a more energetic life. Victoria once carried a staggering 178+ pounds on her tiny 5'3' frame until she declared war on her childhood insecurities, compulsive eating, and poor health and fitness habits - and Won! She has personally touched thousands with her programs, teaching them how to achieve personal power, get fit, and live a more vital and energetic life. This 90 Min. program for fitness and self-esteem will inspire you to get a new Attitude for a more energetic and healthy you!

Goals Dreams and Visions - In this Energetic Live Women's Conference Presentation is one you're not going to want to miss! It's the next best thing to being there in person. Spiritual breakthrough is just around the corner for you as Victoria explains God's desire for you to "Prosper and be in Health!" and how to Achieve your Goals, Dreams and Visions! MP3 Download Only

Restoring God's Temple Mind Body and Spiritual Fitness. In this live Christian Women's Conference presentation Victoria explains how we must take care of our Mind, Body and Spirit to operate in the full capacity of God's plan for our lives. MP3 Download Only

Affiliate Program
Now Available!

Have you experienced breakthroughs with my Quick Start Energy Program? Do you have your own website or e-mail list? NOW you can partner with me to let others know about my Quick Start Energy Program and make a commission for every Quick Start Energy Program that your visitors purchase through my affiliate program! For more information, click and read how we can partner together to help others and make a commission in the process!

Did you miss last week's Newsletter?

My VBS Newsletter is Growing! I'm very excited to announce that my weekly newsletter is growing rapidly each week. Thousands of Subscribers are on the same path as you, getting fit and achieving their goals and experiencing the freedom of healthy living!

I want to ask you to do something for me right now... Please take a few minutes right now and e-mail 5 friends and tell them about my weekly newsletter! Tell them what it has done for you and encourage them to subscribe to receive my newsletter for themselves each week.

Then, after you receive the newsletter each week, get on the phone and talk about the information you've received, encourage one another and watch your results multiply!
Weekly motivation is waiting for you every Monday in your e-mail in box:
  • Motivational Moments
  • Product Profiles
  • Weekly Fitness Articles
  • Victoria's Secrets
  • Weekly Fit Tips!
  • Healthy Recipes
  • and Special Discounts

Victoria's Body Shoppe Online!

Now you can watch a FREE Episode of My National Television Program Victoria's Body Shoppe AND Celebrity Health and Fitness on YouTube! Click on the photo or link below then choose a program or segment that you want to watch. Don't forget your workout shoes, your going to want to join in!

Click for more success quotes.

Gaylen from a
size 26 to 16!

Quick Start Has Changed My Life!

"I’ve gone from a size 24-26 to a size 16. My health has dramatically improved. My blood pressure is in the normal range, the fibroids are no longer obvious (before I could easily feel them) and my menstrual cycles are now regular. Food has its proper place and I have a better perspective and richer understanding about my future and myself. I still have 57 pounds to lose but I know that will happen. I am thrilled with my current success..."

- Gaylen B.

Click to read more testimonials.

Healthy Recipe

Grilled Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Serves: 4

- 2/3 cup fresh tomatoes, chopped

- 1/4 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary (or 1/8 teaspoon dried rosemary)
- 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 garlic clove, crushed
- 4 (5-6" diameter) Portobello mushroom caps
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons low-sodium soy sauce
- 2 teaspoons fresh cilantro, chopped


1. In a small bowl, combine tomatoes, mozzarella, 1/2 teaspoon of the olive oil, rosemary, pepper and garlic.
2. Using a spoon, scoop out the gills of the mushroom caps and remove the stems and discard.
3. In a small bowl, mix 1/2 teaspoon of the olive oil, lemon juice and soy sauce. Using a pastry brush, brush the soy sauce mixture on both sides of the mushroom caps.
4. Grill the caps, starting with stem side down, for 5 minutes on each side or until soft.
5. Spoon 1/4 cup of the tomato and cheese mixture into each cap, cover and grill for about 3 minutes or until cheese has melted.
6. Garnish with cilantro.

Nutrition Info (per serving):
Calories: 85
Fat: 3.5 g
Carbohydrates: 8 g
Protein: 6.5 gz

Click for more information and to order!

Ms. Johnson,

"I just finished working out to your Cardio Soul DVD. (available at Target Stores) I got the best workout video I've ever seen. Your personality injects so much energy and humor into the workout--it really makes it fun. I love your message during the cool-down stretching as well. We are all very fortunate to be able to exercise and dance and it's a message that people need to be reminded of more often. Thanks so much for making fitness affordable!"

Courtney H.

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Copyright 2006, Victoria Johnson Int'l. All rights reserved.