A successful program involves the whole person. You have to start from the inside out.
Habits Determine Your Destiny
Research now shows that your habits, environment and lifestyle are a great indicator of your success or failure when it comes to building the body you love.
One of my clients who felt the way you do had the exact same feelings you have when she contacted me desperate to lose weight and gain her confidence back. She just wanted to feel good in a matching set of lingerie and not become a slave to her kitchen, stop living or eating out just to get there.
Sabotage Success
She had been on over a half dozen diets six months prior to using my programs. During her weight loss journey with me she began to get anxious and started to feel afraid of the possibility of reaching her weight loss goal. She even began to sneak snacks and miss workouts. She actually began to sabotage her progress.
What You Think About, Comes About
I asked her why she was afraid and basically, the fear arose because of the belief that she would regain the weight once she reached her goal. In her past, every time she would get fit and feel good, she would panic and think it wouldn’t last, so she manifested her fear.
I told her she would not regain the weight if she successfully incorporated the concept that weight loss is a mind, body, and spirit application. When your mind is transformed to new thinking, your Spirit is at peace and your body craves the endorphins (natural high hormones) that exercise produces then you can experience the freedom of true permanent weight loss.
Strut Your Stuff With Confidence
You will have less emotional mood swings, you will boundless energy, you will want to wear fun and sexy clothing and now one will know how old you are because you will feel confident. Confidence is what gives you the inner power to move, strut and dance like a strong and feminine woman.
Live With Purpose
You will not wonder around looking for significance like so many other exhausted and overweight women. You will have the mental clarity to design the life of your dreams and the energy to live and then you will finally have the inner glow that attracts greatness into your life.
Yes, Carlina, you will wake up every morning with renewed vitality and disciplined purpose. Once you reach that place, there is no way you will ever want to go back!
I got there and so can you if you will take the necessary steps to change your eating habits, exercise habits and most importantly your habit of negative and defeating inner dialogue. When I was heavy, my inner dialogue was negative and defeatist all the time.
“You are so fat, you will never lose weight” I would tell myself.
I would look in the mirror and say negative things to myself. I would look say things like; “you are so fat, you will never lose weight, you are so weak, no one wants to date you, no one will ever hire you, no wonder people start at you”. This would go on all day. It seemed that the worst I felt, the more negative the inner dialogue became.
Realistically, I think this was a true concern of my client as well, and many of us when it comes to championing ourselves in a positive way. It is so simple to say negative things verses positive empowering things. We have to learn how to reprogram our mind and start a positive dialogue of positive words that we speak to ourselves. When it comes to doing something powerful and reaching our goals, we must see ourselves with a new set of eyes and speak words of encouragement to ourselves.
Sometimes what we are really afraid of is the “new person” we will become. It is scary to do new things and form new relationships and live life in a new way. In order to have something we have never had, we have to do things we have never done and many times that means we have to go to new places and use new resources to change
This is especially true when we keep seeing our relatives and thinking we are doomed to forever carry excessive belly fat or saddle bags on our hips or cellulite oozing out of every crease and crevice of our over fat body.
We have to be willing to not allow our relatives to discourage us with their limitations and mindsets. We can love them, but think for ourselves. You can do it. You can develop the will to speak great words of life to yourself while blocking out the negative forces that try to limit your progress.
You do this by keeping your plan to yourself and stop comparing yourself to your relatives, friends and associates. You are unique and special and you have to do whatever it takes to get the body you want.
Lose That Fat Now!
Yes... overfat! It is the fat on our body that we can see that makes it look distorted in our favorite jeans and swimsuit. Cellulite is fat and fat not only looks horrible, it is dangerous. Fat can kill you. Women are dying every day from heart disease and cancer brought on by too much body fat. That is why you have to do something today. Vanity is one thing, longevity is another. You have the power to start right now transforming your minds and that will give you the inner strength to transform your hips thighs and abs.
Change is scary; your non-conscious mind will have you questioning yourself through the process.
- Will we love the same people?
- Will we have the same friends, job or career?
- Will we live in the same city?
We are told that we have to change our lifestyle to truly change. Does that mean we change everything? Truthfully, for some people, this is true. For others, it may be a few simple adjustments.
Regardless of your genes, hormones, and lack of self-control will not affect your long-term weight loss success and keep you from living in it permanently if you make the lifestlye change. DON’T LET FEAR CONTROL YOU! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO TRANSFORM YOUR BODY AND YOUR LIFE.
Become a Success Magnet
Carlina, start today by writing down your goals. Write out the things you want to attract and have happen positively in your life. Cut out some pictures in the magazine and let them become new images for your thoughts to encompass. Make a success collage of pictures and images. Meditate on them every day. As you think, so shall you be. You will begin to move in the direction of new images and you will begin to take the action necessary to succeed.
It is amazing how effective this really is. I had this picture of a car that I wanted as my screen saver on my computer for a year. I saw the car when it was in the development phase. It had not been produced when I made it a screen saver. I forgot to keep track of its development and release date due to my hectic schedule. Then, one day I got a call to come down and drive it off the showroom floor. My agent had never seen the car and did not know I had its picture on my computer because he lives in a different city. Apparently he had arranged for me to go in and pick up the car.
Pretty cool huh? That is how I operate all the time. You can experience the same result when you are consistent, disciplined and focused.
Design a plan, write it out one week at a time and study it affirm it vocally daily and keep a list of positive affirmations around you at all times and start doing all the things you were told by the different counselors at the mini mall places.
Check out some of my DVD’s if you want daily fitness motivation and go through my archives and study the different nutrition suggestions I have made.
You can do it Carlina if you take action that is positive on a daily basis. When you do something over and over, it becomes a habit. Make getting healthy, fit, happy and living totally alive your habit starting today. Don’t wait. This is the perfect day to start loving your body and your life!
Your Best Life Ever is One New Positive Habit Away!
God Bless and make it the Best Week Ever!
Your Celebrity Personal Trainer!